Finances. Freedom. Fun.
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It’s always been my rule of thumb to pay off mortgages as soon as possible, in order to minimize the amount of money I am paying in interest on those properties.
Lately I’ve noticed a shift in my mindset…
The sooner you learn and really know that the people who are concerned with looking rich are also the ones most worried about money, the sooner you’ll be free. Often times they are upset with their own financial habits and hardships, but “fronting” as though they have plenty of money makes them feel better about it. How backwards is that? But I’m tellin’ ya, I see it time and time again.
You can just as easily become addicted to saving, as you can spending. Trust me, I’ve been there. It’s such a feeling of accomplishment when you watch your savings grow, and know it’s because of decisions and sacrifices you have made. Don’t wonder where your money went…decide where it goes.
I was halfway through writing MoneyGirl when the coronavirus pandemic hit the world. It didn’t take me long to realize the lessons to be learned by everyone affected during such a black swan event, lessons that I was already trying to relay in my book.
Plan ahead. Be intentional with your money. Budget. Live beneath your means.
A lot of people grow up not thinking much about money until they are stressing about it, but it’s not your fault! Maybe you were never taught about making conscious decisions about what happens to your earnings. The good news is it’s never too late to begin!
Many people use credit as a source of income rather than as a convenient tool that can be relied upon in times of emergency. You should only charge as much as you know you will be able to pay back each month.
To reduce the art of saving down to its simplest form is to say: Live Beneath Your Means. Write that down. Tattoo it on your hand. Repeat it in the mirror every morning.