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Christina shares her personal journey from a floundering new licensee through building a vibrant local brand on social media that fed a growing client base, into building a healthy inventory of rental properties and, most recently, an AirBNB in Florida that is paying off handsomely for her. This chat was something for everyone, from new agents to people still waiting on the sidelines for the market “to change” before investing in a rental property (spoiler alert - she says “don’t”).
— Betsy Stecz, In the Blue Zone
You don’t realize what’s different about your childhood when it’s all you know. So I started to realize, WOW! I’m so fortunate to have learned all this stuff.
— Christina Diehl, The PMG Podcast
I never thought in a million years that I would write a book, but feeling like I had this information that I could very easily relay to young women or young people inspired me to write MoneyGirl.
— Christina Diehl
My dad started teaching me about money when I was 10-years-old, not just about real estate investments but about living within your means. So, I knew a lot of this information when I was a little kid. Then, as I got older, in my 30s, after building up a passive income for myself and gaining financial independence, a lot of my friends would say to me, ‘I wish I knew what you did at 17 years old, I am only learning this now.’ After hearing that from multiple people, I thought: There should be a book for young people about this so they don’t wake up one day in their 30s saying, ‘I wish I knew.’
— Christina Diehl, The Retro Bar Podcast